Keeping William B. Bankhead National Forest Beautiful Since February 2020

Learn about our responsibilities for park upkeep and visitor safety

Between March 15 and October 31 every year, northwestern Alabama residents and tourists converge on Bankhead National Forest to go hiking, camping, mountain biking and horseback riding, to name just a few activities. The natural beauty of the forest has drawn visitors to the national park since the early 20th century. BA Services Inc. of Bangor, ME takes pride in keeping Bankhead National Forest looking beautiful year-round.

We complete the following tasks to...

Protect the natural resources: Enforcing campground rules | Keeping recreation areas clean | Cleaning lift station pump screens and checking solid waste levels monthly
Ensure the safety of visitors: Providing visitors with information and safety tips | Performing water testing at the swimming beach | Standing by to respond to emergencies that might occur
Streamline park operations: Developing and presenting a facility maintenance plan for approval | Collecting fees | Staffing entrance stations

To learn more about our work in Bankhead National Forest, contact us today.