Crooked Creek Lake, authorized by the Flood Control Acts of 1936 and 1938, is one of 16 flood control projects in the Pittsburgh District. An important link in a system of flood control projects, Crooked Creek Lake provides flood protection for the lower Allegheny and Ohio rivers. The construction costs of over $4 million appears small when compared to the large savings which have resulted. Since its completion in 1940, the project has prevented flood damages estimated to be in excess of $538 million.
Lake and Dam Statistics
Location: On Crooked Creek, in Armstrong County, PA, 6.7 miles above the junction of the creek with the Allegheny River near Ford City, PA.
Total Area: 2,664 acres
Drainage area above dam: 277 sq. mi.
Construction costs: $4,000,000
Type of structure: Rolled earth fill with impervious core
Volume of rock and earth fill: 1,350,500 cu yd
Maximum height above streambed: 143 ft.
Total length: 1,480 ft.
Maximum width at base: 975 ft.
Outlet works:
- Concrete lined tunnel 15'6" in diameter x 1,320' long
- Two 24" gate valves
- Three 6' x 13' vertical lift gates
Length at summer pool: 5.25 mi.
Summer Area: 350 acres
Maximum Area: 1,940 acres
Streambed at Dam: 803 ft.
Maximum Pool: 920 ft.
Summer Pool: 845 ft.